Friday, December 26, 2014

Gorgeous high low dress

I have not posted in months!!!! Lots of changes for us in the past few months. For those of you who do not know my husband and I are expecting our first baby boy in April!! We are just thrilled!!! We have been trying to have a baby for a long time and we both feel extremely blessed!

   In other news I have started working for one of my favorite designers Michael Kors. I love the fact that a Michael kors purse can make any woman even more beautiful regardless of that woman's age and personal.  Quite often a teenage girl and a mature woman will buy the same purse! I feel like that ability is a quality that defines a great designer.

   I made this dress a long time ago, and its one of my absolute favorites!! I love high low dresses, but I feel that they are usually too revealing. So I made this dress long enough and had to add the bling!! I did use a Mccalls pattern on this dress, but made some minor changes. I thought it would be challenging to get a good angle of the dress but Kara captured it perfectly! I was very impressed by her talented work and with the amazing photos she took.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Beautiful whimsical dress

I am very pleased with the way this dress turned out.  When I initially went shopping for this dress I had in mind a completely different design and fabric. I found this beautiful textured purple fabric at SAS, and I had to have it. I scratched my first idea, and decided to go with this fabric! I am so glad I did that, because I love this dress. Any woman of any size could wear this dress, and look beautiful

Friday, June 20, 2014

I have to start somewhere, then why not at the beginning...

Do what you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.

I love sewing and making my own dresses. It's now a dream of mine to see someone else wearing a dress I made.

     I recently started in January while I had the house to myself because my husband was on a business trip. Valentine's day was right around the corner and I wanted a bright pink dress for one of my favorite holidays.

     I went to every store in the mall and all I could find were short sleeveless dresses. Grrrr! I was getting more and more frustrated then it hit me... "If the mountain won't come to Muhammad then Muhammad must go to the mountain." (Bryce made me write this). In other words, If I can't find the right dress then I'll make my own friggen dress.

     I set off for Joann's, my new favorite store by the way. I loved being able to pick out my own colors and patterns and not having to settle for what the clothing stores had on the shelves. I picked up a cheap sewing machine and sewed for several hours resulting in... utter disappointment. Thinking I'd gone overboard and had been blinded with false hope in my ambitions all I could think was I want my mommy.

     "Well at least the pieces are in right spots!" Were the much needed words of encouragement that I needed to hear from my supportive mother. She told me not to give up and that I had to start at somewhere (I guess my dreams of designing award winning runway dresses would have to wait). After a much needed lesson from my experienced seamstress of a mother my dress was starting to resemble the vision that I had in mind. It felt so good to be able to follow through with my goal and have a finished dress that I could say I had made.

     I would love to show that first dress I made but I didn't think this hobby would turn into my passion. For my own benefit of being able to measure my progress I'll upload a few photos to this post to save them and compare later.